Quantum theory states that every atom is 99.99999% empty space .

Therefore, everyone's brain is 99.99999% empty space. In essence, a vacuum.

Psychiatry/psychology is the analysis of a vacuum.

Psychiatry/psychology may be the only medical fields that doesn't examine the organ causing the problem. Brain scans are rarely done, even for those with serious mental issues.

It's currently generally accepted that chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and their close relatives the bonobos (Pan paniscus) are both humans closest-living relatives, with each species sharing around 98.7% of our DNA. Translated to english, we are 98.7% chimps.

Given enough time, Quantum Field Theory (QFT) creates chimpanzees. Some of them become judges in our courts.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
is the standard classification of mental disorders used by mental health professionals in the United States.

  • Unsoundness of mind sufficient in the judgment of a civil court to render a person unfit to maintain a contractual or other legal relationship or to warrant commitment to a mental health facility.

  • In most criminal jurisdictions, a degree of mental malfunctioning is sufficient to relieve the accused of legal responsibility for the act committed.

  • Lunacy often denotes derangement relieved intermittently by periods of clear-mindedness: like being awake versus asleep?

  • Temporary insanity : One difficulty with a temporary insanity defense is the problem of proof, since any examination by psychiatrists had to be after the fact, so the only evidence must be the conduct of the accused immediately before or after the crime.

  • Diminished capacity : the accused's mental capacity may have been diminished by intoxication, trauma, or mental disease so that he or she did not possess the specific mental state or intent essential to the particular offense charged.

The Rosenhan experiment clearly showed that you cannot identify the sane amongst the insane and vice versa. This confirms the notion that we may have some insane judges within the Massachusetts judiciary.

Mental illness is a tool that has been used (both recently, and in the far past) as a tool to regulate societies.

  • Are you mentally ill if you are a political dissident?
  • Are you mentally ill if you are a capitalist in a communist society?
  • What if you are an atheist in a Christian society?

Religion should be seen as no different from any other mental illness which causes people to believe in irrational absurdities and treated accordingly

They are now called
mental health professionals

A mental illness of such a severe nature that a person

  • cannot distinguish fantasy from reality,
    What about religion? Is that fantasy or reality?

  • cannot conduct her/his affairs due to psychosis. Psychosis is defined as a loss of contact with reality.
    Isn't religion a loss of reality. Show me your god.

  • Is subject to uncontrollable impulsive behaviour,

    Goes to church on Sundays to worship imaginary sky fairies.
    Gets on his kness and eats Jesus crackers

  • is in a continued impetuosity of thought, which for the time being, totally unfits a man for judging and acting in relation to the matter in question, with the composure requisite for the maintenance of the social relations in life
    (Now that's a loaded statement.)

  • has a chronic disease, manifested by deviations from the healthy and natural state of the mind, such deviations consisting in a morbid perversion of feelings, affections and habits
    Like religious habits.

  • exhibits disturbances of the intellectual facilities, under the influence of which the understanding becomes susceptible of hallucinations or erroneous impressions of a particular kind.
    Believing in imaginary sky creatures and talking to them.

  • is in a state of mental incoherence or constant hurry and confusion of thought.

Religion isn't merely a mental illness, but a psycho-socially transmittable disease. It's a very dangerous mental virus. You can definitely spread it to young children who have not yet developed any knowledge based immunity.

Actually, many of these definitions of mental illness define a typical psycho-christian judge like David W. Cunis.

When someone accuses of you of being mentally ill, ask the accuser if one can detect their own mental illness? If you are not aware of your mental illness, are you mentally ill? Or is the capability to recognize mental illness possesed by others a unique characteristic of yours?

How many mental illnesses can you detect in this individual? Can you identify each one and its symptoms?

Does the individual suffer from any mental illnesses, does he enjoy his mental illness, or is he enthralled by their mental illnesses?

When a child goes insane, ask yourself when the child might have been sane.

When a judge decides (for whatever insane reason) that a defendant needs a psychiatric examination, the prosecution will pick a psychiatrist who will return the desired result. One suspects that certain psychiatrists are getting kickbacks from the judicial system. The judgement of mental illness has been politicized. The Soviet Union used mental illness as an excuse to send millions to their gulag.

If anger about political events and words of defiance to authorities are dealt with as signs of mental illness - warranting involuntary committal, then our society is in a dangerous place,

We all live on the edge of desperation.

We are all just one tiny little anuerysm away from being on the FBI's most wanted list.

Associated concepts:
unsoundness of mind, insane delusions, amentia, deranged intellect, disordered intellect, mental derangement, mental instability, mental infirmities, mental unsoundness, raving lunacy, want of reason, hallucination, craziness, daftness

I'm sure there are tons and tons of amazing human beings who are psychologists or psychiatrists. But it's like, if you study that man is an animal whose brain is 99.9999% empty space and nothing more than that, and you basically have this fucking manual ( The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) ) that has, what, 5,000 disorders in it, that you just bill your insurance company -- "Oh, you have PMS disorder, you have caffeine-addict disorder, you have mathematics disorder; here, take Prozac" -- what the fuck is that? Give some kid some Prozac and watch the kid then walk into a goddamn school and kill other kids.

Psychopathy is a personality disorder that has been variously described as characterized by shallow emotions (in particular reduced fear), stress tolerance, lacking empathy, coldheartedness, lacking guilt, egocentricity, superficial character, manipulativeness, irresponsibility, impulsivity and antisocial behaviors such as parasitic lifestyle and criminality.

Our mental lives may be more like the weather than like billiard balls, determined by innumerable forces that amplify and distort one another in ways that make accurate predictions very difficult.

I got banned from r/explainmelikeimfive for 56 days permanently for this post, So i guess im asking my question here

This is NOT to shit on religious people, i am genuinely curious.

So ive been thinking about this and i cant wrap my head around how accepted religion is as a normal day to day thing, when things like schizophrenia are not. it appears that the only practical difference between many mental illnesses and "cultural practices" is how socially accepted they are.

Definition of mental illness from DSM-4 (i did not use 5 as its significantly longer, and essentially the same for this posts purposes)

A mental disorder is a clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual and that is associated with present distress or disability or with a significantly increased risk of suffering death, pain, disability, or an important loss of freedom

It appears to me that religion hits many of these points overall;

A lot of religious people feel significant distress if they do not perceive themselves as good followers/believers of their religion, a lot also fear going to hell, something that we have 0 proof of existing.

Many religious people who rigorously follow their doctrine lose a lot of freedom of what they can actually do, If by some means they do something that is not acceptable in their religion this often leads to emotional suffering - a little bit like OCD. This goes as far as causing distress from even having unacceptable thoughts. Religious people also tend to stop "thinking", their worldview becomes very black and white and often entirely dictated by what is written in their religious text, this is very noticeable in religions like islam, less so in others for the moment.

Many religious people act horrendously towards their fellow human beings - much like someone having a violent psychotic episode, going as far as shunning people who may be LGBT or otherwise not following their faith, raping them, killing and torturing them - something that a sane human being would not do.

The definition of delusion is believing in something that is not true and ignoring evidence to the contrary; there is no evidence that any god of any religion exists, that there is an afterlife, or absolutely anything reinforcing any religion on the planet.

Is Faith and God a delusion? Of course. The word delusion has been appropriated by psychopathology (the scientific study of mental disorders) and psychiatry, and it has now become a diagnosis. If you are deluded, then you are necessarily mentally ill. In English law, delusion has been the cardinal feature of insanity for the last 200 years It is a mitigating circumstance and can convey diminished responsibility. Delusions exist on a gradient or delusional intensity. From being in the looney bin to being stoned cold fucking batshit crazy.

Approximately one third of schizophrenia patients are very highly involved in religious community . Note Reference 1 and Reference 2 . Schizophrenia prevalence is higher in religious people than in the general population: Reference 3.

Read this for a review What I am arguing is indeed 'edgy' in that in conflicts with both social norms and the current DSM. But we all know that both of those things contain some degree of bullshit. If I had been born 20 years earlier, psychologists and doctors and society would have classified blasphemy ( MGL-272 Section 36 ) is the fucking batshit crazy type.

Nevertheless people choose to believe what various writings say at face value without being able to critically analyze its content, and not only that but they actually do what the text tells them to do. To me it seems like this is either pure delusion, or alternatively underdeveloped brains not being capable of critically analyzing content they read. many religious people cannot be convinced rationally that god is not real as there is no evidence to suggest otherwise as they either ignore you, dont believe you, or flat out attempt to kill you in some cases.

Some religious people claim to hear the voice of god and that their actions are guided by god. This is essentially schizophrenia, if i told a psychiatrist that a chair is talking to me, i would be diagnosed as schizophrenic, but claiming that it is gods voice is considered acceptable.

How come when God talks to a person, he always says "Kill that mother fucker!".
How come he never tells someone "Go shit on the salad bar at Wendy's".

Many religious people care a surprising amount of what other people do with their lives, even going as far as cutting family members (even children) out of their lives if they do not live as the parents religion says they should. While I cant find a specific disorder to link this behaviour to, im willing to bet that extreme control issues are generally considered mentally unhealthy, theres probably even a disorder for this.

From what I can see, the only reason religion is not considered a mental illness, is simply that it is common enough and socially acceptable enough where people don't wish to upset the religious people.

edit: "not all religious people are like that" is NOT an argument, a psychotic person who isnt violent is still psychotic. a depressed person who is smiling is still depressed.

Billions of people are afflicted. That makes it normal. Sanity by consensus.

Do you suffer from a mental disorder, or do you enjoy it?

Mental disorders over a lifetime

Mental disorders over a lifespan If you do enough mindless reading on quantum stuff, you find that randomness is built in to our lives. There is a connection between probabilities in our lives and how our general insanity comes in and out like the tide.

Mean while, 150 years ago.....

When I try to think about evolution, genetics and quantum stuff, I see no reason for you to be all alone in your brain. Why not have friends with you.

Thus, multiple personality syndrone.
150 years ago, it was called a gathering in the head
2000 years ago, they lived in a demon haunted world.
Creatures like a succubus (female demon) , would have sex with human males while they slept.
This was probably the initial explanation for wet dreams.

Send comments to: hjw2001@gmail.com